How does XBRL work?
An XBRL document can be viewed as a system of barcodes. These barcodes not only contain the information but also attributes that describe the information. The XBRL process can be understood better with the help of the diagram below:
The source document is the annual report of the company that is to be converted to XBRL.
The taxonomy of XBRL is in literal terms a dictionary of elements that are reported. The taxonomy provides the tags (barcodes) for all the elements appearing in the annual report.
The creation of XBRL documents involves the process of tagging the document. Tagging is the process of assigning barcodes to all the elements appearing in the annual report.
Once all the elements appearing in the annual report have been tagged the XBRL Instance document is generated and the process is complete.
The XBRL instance document contains all the facts that are reported in the annual report along with the descriptive attributes about the data that is reported. The instance document is platform independent and can be reused to represent and transfer data as per the requirements of the user.