XBRL is quickly spreading across the world, by way of increasing participation from individual countries and international organizations. It is now preferred as a standard for business and financial reporting worldwide. XBRL is managed and promoted by XBRL International, a not-for-profit consortium, with companies, government bodies and other organizations as its members. Currently 550 organizations are associated with XBRL Inc. XBRL International is comprised of jurisdictions, which represent countries, regions or international bodies and which focus on the progress of XBRL in their area. There are about 28 jurisdictions (established or provisional) representing different countries and regions. IRIS has had the privilege to develop reporting platform for many Indian and International clients. Also IRIS has designed taxonomies for ICAI (Indian GAAP) as well as the XBRL South Africa Taxonomy based on IFRS 2010. Following charts give a brief statistics of XBRL Implementations across the world.
![XBRL implementation in world](http://filexbrl.irisbusiness.com/images/assets/chart1.jpg)
XBRL Europe
![XBRL in Europe](http://filexbrl.irisbusiness.com/images/assets/chart_2.jpg)
![XBRL in Asia](http://filexbrl.irisbusiness.com/images/assets/chart_3.jpg)
XBRL Africa
![XBRL in Africa](http://filexbrl.irisbusiness.com/images/assets/chart_4.jpg)
XBRL America
![XBRL in America](http://filexbrl.irisbusiness.com/images/assets/chart_5.jpg)
XBRL North America
![XBRL in North America](http://filexbrl.irisbusiness.com/images/assets/chart_6.jpg)
XBRL Oceania
![XBRL in Oceania](http://filexbrl.irisbusiness.com/images/assets/chart_7.jpg)