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XBRL Filing Mandate of MCA

Mandate for Annual Financial Statements

Mandate for Cost Audit and Compliance Report

Companies falling under the criteria prescribed by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) need to prepare and submit their annual financial statement in XBRL format to MCA. The mandate is in effect from 2011. The MCA has released the taxonomy for financial statements and specified the filing rules to be complied with.
To know more about the mandate CLICK HERE

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) mandates a select class of companies to submit their Cost Audit Report and Compliance Report in XBRL format. The mandate came into effect in 2012. The prescribed taxonomies and filing rules are to be followed for creating the XBRL documents.
To know more about the mandate CLICK HERE


Create MCA-compliant XBRL documents using a plug-in based on MS Excel.   End-to-end conversion outsourcing service with timely, accurate and MCA-compliant XBRL output.
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